Stringin, Shielded Student's Community

STRINGIN® - Shielded Student's Community
A Social Network for Students | Parents | Teachers

About Us

STRINGIN® - Shielded Student's Community is a social network for school students.

At Stringin we believe that success in life has no direct correlation with the percentage of marks. With this thought, Stringin supports formal and informal education for school students by allowing students to share questions/ answers, jokes, pictures or any thoughts.

Students can connect with Mentors for questions on any subjects; while Mentors can be at any distance but the answers remain available...

Stringin allows students to exchange thoughts, fulfill educational needs to support formal education system and motivates to gain tacit knowledge. With time, social networking platforms have proven themselves worth, a shielded social networking platform for students is essentially a requirement where Stringin fills the gap along with consolidation of knowledge and experience that is unevenly distributed within the countries.

Shielded by Parents and Teachers, let the new generation fly high...

Stringin, offers supplies for educational needs through its e-Store and at your door steps. We understand daily needs and are happy to offer morning 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM delivery services to ensure that children reach school on time and fully equipped..

We welcome you to Stringin, lets make it never ending and ever growing...